Natural Resource Planning, Mining, Irrigation and Forestry

BHUGOL provides powerful GIS tools that can be used for natural Resources management based on spatial analysis.

Among others our solutions can provide:

  • Quantification of soil loss and sediment flows.
  • Locating Surface water harvesting solutions.
  • Forestry management and geotagging for analysis of forest cover, types of forest, encroachment assessment.
  • Land cover, vegetation, geology and soil maps.
  • For applications in Watershed management and desertification analysis.
Case Study: Forestry Mapping and encroachment studies were conducted over a 200 acre plus forest area. Within that, the digitised the forest area boundaries and satellite imagery were correlated with on ground conditions. The objective was to protect natural resources and especially forest cover from urbanisation and human encroachments . The tool and maps are currently being used to monitor and supervise the area with a purpose to protect and preserve natural resources while balancing development needs.
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